Thank you to Jessica Danskin Art

for taking such great pictures of the event!

Jessica Danskin can be found at:

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  • Click and hold (Mac) or right mouse click (PC) on on of the images below until a dialog box appears.
  • Select "Save this image as." 
  • If you are working on a Mac, also make sure that the name you choose ends in .jpg (if you are using a PC it will automatically insert this extension for you).
  • Click on the "save" button. You now have an identical copy!

Our Summer Kick Off event raised over $350 for the ongoing maintenance of the

Gloucester Dog Park! We want to thank all the great people and

dogs who came out to support the park on its 4th anniversary.
Thanks to Glenn Goldman for providing his “Ask a Trainer” expertise to visitors.

And thank you to Gloucester’s Animal Control Officer Dianne Corliss for offering expert nail trimming.

And photographer Jessica Danskin did a great job capturing the excitement of the

people and pets who attended. Thank you!

2017 Summer kick off party